Friday 19 March 2010

男人最伤女人的几句话 1.“原来你就没信过我!” 她要是没相信你,会在你背叛她一次又一次之后继续和你在一起吗?!只是你以前给她的伤害太多了,现在她难免有些疑心,多问你几句。别忘了,她也是个女孩!你知道哄外面的女孩开心,就忘了身边的她也需要你的夸赞和惊喜吗?!
2.“我错了,行吗!对不起,行吗!” 谁都知道这句话不过是你在和她赌气,你有没有想过用另一种方式和她交流呢?女孩子难免会无理取闹,但她们绝不是故意的!如果你肯耐心哄好她,等她开心的时候再心平气和的给她讲道理,你们会减少很多次的争吵,她也会为你的做法而感动的。
3.“你真任性!” 当初是谁说过会一直宠着她、让着她的?是谁说过可以包容她的所有缺点?又是谁说过喜欢她任性时的样子?难道你都忘了吗?!既然做不到,为什么要承诺呢?
4.“你答应过我不再提以前的事了,你为什么做不到!” 你还记得你答应过她什么吗?你还记得你兑现了多少吗?你不允许她提你的“过去”,可你想过你的“过去”让她伤到多深吗?你让她承受的时候,她连躲避的机会都没有,现在你让她忘了,她就要逼自己当一切没发生……换作你,你做得到吗?
5.“我现在一点自由的空间都没有!” 她可以为你牺牲很多时间、很多事情,从没有抱怨过什么,为什么你牺牲了一点点就要每天都挂在嘴边呢?!
6.“我钱都没花你身上,行吧!” 你为他花的每一笔钱都要让她清清楚楚的记在心里,时时刻刻的充满感激吗?!如果你真的爱她,就不会和她这样计较金钱了!
7.“我下班不管多累,都得去找你,你还不知足!” 你去找她只是因为她想见你吗?你就对她丝毫的想念都没有?!见面完全是为了满足她的愿望?!那你们的爱情还真独特……
8.“你自己也找点事做,别总想着和我一起呆着!” 原来你已经不喜欢和她在一起了、已经烦她了!你看到她的心在流泪了吗?她不是没人陪、没事做,只是她的爱还没有变,而且还天真的以为你仍然像以前那样爱她

Monday 31 August 2009

A friend is your true wealth..^^

What is life without a little friendship?Friendship is a rare and precious commodity. If you have a friend, who truly understands you and accepts you despite your shortcomings, then you are the luckiest person in the world. I feel fortunate to have good friends...they cheer me when me feel down,and they chide me when i am wrong...appreciate!! wish our friendship like circle ,starting at forever, and ending at never!! :)

calista,sabby,enya,val val :)

Wednesday 25 March 2009

This April, Bond No. 9 presents Astor Place, a fragrance inspired by New York’s most vibrant arts-and-style intersection. The surface design of the Astor Place flacon echoes the angles and cubes of the Rosenthal sculpture, but renders them in a range of triangles displaying the richest array of colors ever seen in the Bond No. 9 bottle repertory. These triangles also recall Astor Place’s lampposts, curbs, and even cracks in the pavement which are lovingly decorated with mosaic tile shards by local denizens. All this is placed against a golden background, paying homage to the Astor fortune and philanthropy.
The scent is an example of when downtown meets uptown. It’s a seductive fresh floral – a freesia-poppy-violet leaf composition that simmers down into the smooth, steady notes of teakwood and musk. And that’s not all, for Mother’s Day they’re offering Astor Place in a limited-edition Swarovski bottle- delicately decorated with topaz crystals.
Astor Place, the eau de parfum, is available in two sizes: 100ml ($220) and 50 ml ($145), and a Astor Place Swarovski Limited-Edition for Mother’s Day 100ml ($300) at Bond No. 9’s four New York City boutiques, and at Saks Fifth Avenue nationwide

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Start beginning with my new chapter !!

OMG,I think this is my 1st funny blog..because i never try to show my everything in blog before!!!Mayb i have stress in my job,relationship or friendship,so made me force to do this!!But anyway..i will concentrate create my blog n share some feeling to all...appreciate..^^